There seems to be a real fascination with the American 'cuisine' right now. From the typical diners to the eating competitions/challenges, London seems to be full of them. I explored the visual language of this culinary culture and designed several eating competition t-shirts with a twist. What if instead of piles of burgers and hot dogs people would take on worlds most expensive dishes in these eating competitions. Ingredients like white truffles, matsutake mushrooms, fugu puffer fish, beluga caviar and dishes like steak tartare, lobster thermidore etc. You can imagine the Wolsley would do this type of eating competition. (note. the ‘Rocco’s white truffles’ t-shirt isn’t just randomly named Rocco, Rocco is the dog that found the worlds most expensive truffle worth 330,00 dollars. The ‘est 1894’ in the lobster thermidore t-shirt is taken from the year that this expensive dish was first created)